Gekaufte Liebe: Group Exhibtion

Gekaufte Liebe: Group Exhibtion

„Gekaufte Liebe'' reflects a place that does business with love every day. It questions the forms, colours and shapes of love and the value that society and each of us give to it.
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Gekaufte Liebe - Group exhibition

The desire for love is a natural human thing.

Some may find themselves looking for it on the streets, others may think they'll find it at an art exhibition. The Location Kurfürstenstraße and the title might make love appear as something for sale just like anything that can be bought in the supermarket or the online Gucci store. But love is neither an object or a service, nor does it carry a price tag. It's a feeling. A sense of connection. Like art, it triggers emotions, memories, ideas, and stimulates your imagination.

What does love look like through your eyes and your soul?„Gekaufte Liebe'' reflects a place that does business with love every day. It questions the forms, colours and shapes of love and the value that society and each of us give to it.

What are we willing to pay for this feeling and what circumstances are we willing to accept? We invited national & international artists to freely interpret "Gekaufte Liebe". Their works and the exhibition shows different perspectives, attitudes and artistic positions on this topic, which is intended to open a respectful discourse and a social dialogue.

Artists exhibited (A-Z):

Anna Nezhnaya, Anne Bengard, Carolin Ruggaber, Dr. Banner, Dr. Yo, Fabifa, Gazillion Dots, Hoker, Ivan Gette, Johanna Weber, Johannes Steininger, Jonxs, Linus Ma, Peter Maximilian Ronsdorf, Ron Miller, StrelShkol, Viviana Clara

Exhibition duration: 26 August - 17 Novemebr, 2022


Gallery view of the exhibition Gekaufte Liebe. Courtesy of Notagallery. 

Watch the recap of the exhibition vernissage here!